martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Verde animal / Animal green

Verde animal
Hace mucho tiempo, una abeja dorada quedó atrapada en una flor. La flor turgente y fecundada se transformó en un fruto con un fulgor animal.
La pulpa integró a la abeja y el fruto creció distinto a los demás: voluptuoso, con una lasciva solar y un zumbido recorriéndole la cáscara.
De doradas semillas nacieron plantas con flores voraces que, una a una, devoraron a incautas abejas. El verde se había vuelto animal.
Cuento originalmente publicado en 3 tuits en @minafiction.

Animal green
Long time ago, a golden bee was trapped inside a flower. The turgid and fertilized flower became a fruit with a beautiful animal glow.
The fruit and bee merged and the fruit grew different to the rest: more voluptuous, lasciviously solar & with a buzz running along its skin.
With golden seeds, new seedlings were born with voracious flowers that, one by one, ate unsuspecting bees. The green had become animal.
Short story originally published in 3 tweets @minafiction.

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